American Crystal Sugar Scholarship – Apply 2023-24

The American Crystal Sugar Scholarship, Each year, American Crystal Sugar Company grants 15 American Scholarships to children of their employees. These $1,000 scholarships are used for post-secondary tuition and study materials. In 2022, The American Crystal Sugar Scholarship accepted over 80 applications from its crew.

About American Crystal Sugar Company

American Crystal Sugar Company is an agricultural cooperative that practices sugar and sugar-based products and by-products. located in the Red River Valley of the North, American Crystal’s triumph is mainly due to the people and residents within its core functioning geography. For this cause and many others, American Crystal is thrilled to fund 80 scholarships for graduating seniors of area high schools attending colleges and universities every year.


Eligibility and Requirements

General Scholarship Requirements:
The $1,000 scholarship funded by American Crystal is intended to be awarded to a well-rounded graduating high school senior  pursuing post-secondary education in one or more of the following fields of study:
1. Technology
2. Science
4. Agriculture
5. Mathematics
Additional Requirements: In a separate document, please provide the following.
1. Essay (see standards below)
2. Intended field of discipline
3. General Grade Point Average (GPA) (must have 2.5 or greater to be regarded)
4. Extra-curricular activities
5. Community service or volunteer actions.
Essay Information:
1. Describe why you are worthy of an American Crystal scholarship.
2. Briefly summarize your college or university and professional aspirations.
3. Add other information you feel may be relevant.
Recipient Selection:
Each environmental high school’s scholarship selection board will check its applicants and determine the winning recipient. One college or university scholarship is granted per high school. American Crystal will give scholarship award checks in midsummer straight to the student, made payable to the student and the school they will be studying.

American Crystal Sugar Scholarship Amount

$1,000 is granted for 15 students as the American Crystal Sugar Scholarship award

Deadline and Opening dates

The Application deadline for the American Crystal Sugar Scholarship 2024 has not been announced.

How To Apply for American Crystal Sugar Scholarship

Finish and include this scholarship application cover sheet with other application materials when presenting it to the counselor’s office or appointed high school representative:
Applicant’s Name:
City, State, & Zip:
Mobile Phone:
Home Phone:
Email Address:
College Attending:
High School:


Scholarship applications should be presented to your counselor’s office or appointed high school representative.
Applications sent to American Crystal Company will not be regarded for scholarship awards.

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