Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarships 2024

barbara rhomberg excellence in nursing

Do you want an undergraduate degree in nursing under a fully funded scholarship program? Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarship is open to you. Go through this article and learn all the eligibility requirements, necessary documents and how to apply for it. Let’s get started.

About Barbara Rhomberg – History

In 2013, B4 Brands established the Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarship in Barbara Rhomberg’s honor. The scholarship is awarded to nursing students who demonstrate outstanding achievement in their field. Barbara received her high school education in 1954 and was born and reared in a rural area of Iowa.

She pursued her ambition of becoming a nurse by enrolling at the College of St. Teresa in Winona, Minnesota, immediately following her graduation from high school. After Barbara’s sophomore year, she fell in love, got married, and committed her full focus to her new family, church, and community. As a result, she had to postpone continuing her education at the college level.

After spending over twenty-five years as a stay-at-home parent and having eight children of her own, Barbara decided it was time to finish her nursing studies and launch a professional career. She later completed her education and received a nursing degree in the year 1981.

In Elkader, Iowa, Barbara held a position as a Registered Nurse and worked at both the local hospital and medical clinic. She was well-known in the community for her expert nursing skills, amazing compassion, warm smile, and generous giving of her time, talents, and other resources to the greater good of the community.

In the year 1994, Barbara Rhomberg was given a diagnosis of gallbladder cancer; she passed away in the year 1995, having reached the age of fifty-nine. Her time on earth may have been brief, but the number of people whose lives she touched in a positive way is immeasurable.

SEE ALSO: St. Clare’s Scholarships Application Form

Description of Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarship

The Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarship is a yearly scholarship scheme presented by B4 Brands to a non-traditional student attending an undergraduate nursing program on a full-time basis. The recipient of this scholarship is required to be pursuing a degree in nursing.

Winners of the scholarships will each receive a one-time award of $1,000, which will be sent to the educational institution in which they are currently enrolled for the Fall 2023 Semester.

Programs that lead to an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in nursing are considered to be undergraduate nursing programs. Students who entered the workforce, the military, or fulfilled a family or non-profit obligation after graduating from high school are examples of non-traditional students.

These students either delayed the pursuit of a college degree after graduating from high school or had their college careers interrupted.

Scholarship Details:

Major: Nursing

Fellowship Type: Undergraduate

Value: $1,000

Sponsor: B4Brands

Target Audience: Undergraduate

Scholarship Type: Fully funded

Application Deadline and Timeline

  • Applications are not accepted prior to April 1, 2024
  • All applications must be postmarked by April 30, 2024
  • Scholarship awards will be announced on May 10, 2024

SEE ALSO: $1,000 Jason Kulpa Scholarship – How to Apply

How to Apply for Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing

Application has 7 sections which each applicant must fill.

  • Firstly, download the online application form (Download the form below)
  • complete application form with the correct information
  • Typed Essay
  • Attach two Letters of recommendation
  • Enrollment Verification Form (Can be returned with the above or separately. Must be received by the above deadline.)

Please send everything together via mail or email to:

Download the scholarship Application form

Below the the application form format for Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarships.



Applicant Name (First, Middle, Last):
Date of Birth: Month: __________________________ Day: ______________ Year:
Permanent Mailing Address:
City: ___________________________________________________________State: _________Zip:
Email address: ___________________________________________ Phone:


College or University Currently Enrolled:
School Address:
City: _________________________________________ State: _________ Zip: _______________
Date of Enrollment: ____________ _____________ Expected Graduation: ____________ ______
Degree Sought: __________________________ Are you a full time student?: Yes No

If you are selected for this scholarship, the funds will be sent directly to your school. Please provide
the information below for the college or university that you are currently enrolled.
Contact Name (Advisor, Financial Aid Officer, Etc.):
School Phone: _______________________________
School Address:
City: _______________________________________ State: ________________ Zip _______________
Contact Phone #: _______________________ Email Address: ________________________________


1. High School Name:
City and State: ___________________________________Year began: _______ Year ended: __________
2. College/University Name:
City and State: ___________________________________Year began: _______ Year ended: __________
3. College/University Name:
City and State: ___________________________________Year began: _______ Year ended: __________

You will see the full form once you download the application form.

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