College of Holy Cross Acceptance Rate 2024

Holy cross acceptance rate

What is the Acceptance Rate for the College of Holy Cross for 2024? The Acceptance Rate of this institution is not on the high side when compared with some schools in the United States. Holy Cross is a top College to Consider if you wish to study art in a serene environment. 

College of Holy Cross is located in Worcester, Massachusetts. International candidates from Africa and Asia are massively applying to study in this school because of its history and value system. 

Holy Cross is a Jesuit College founded back in 1845, and this made it the oldest Catholic school in the entire New England. So, applicants should know that Holy Cross has a religious affiliation with the catholic church. 

Holy Cross Acceptance Rate 2024

There are two relevant acceptance rates for the College of Holy Cross depending on which year you’re interested in:

For the Class of 2024 (entered fall 2023):

  • The acceptance rate was 21%. This means that for every 100 applicants, only 21 were admitted.
  • This was a significant decrease from the previous year’s 36% acceptance rate.

For the Class of 2025 (entering fall 2024):

  • Unfortunately, the official acceptance rate for this class hasn’t been released yet, as admission decisions are still ongoing.
  • However, estimates suggest it may be around 36%, closer to the pre-pandemic acceptance rate.

The College of Holy Cross is as competitive as any school you can think of. However, you should not be worried about the competition because I will be showing you what you need to successfully secure admission into this institution. 

College of Holy Cross SAT and ACT Requirements 

Applicants who have these standardized tests can utilize them when applying for admission into Holy Cross. However, the College made it optional, and it won’t matter if you wish not to submit them. 

Aspirants who have lower GPA or don’t have a strong letter of recommendation can take the standardized test to increase their chances of admission. 

Eligibility Requirements at the College of Holy Cross

1. Academics

Candidates who wish to apply for admission into Holy Cross must have good academic standing. They should be among the top 25% of their high-school graduating class. 

2. Standardized Test scores

Just like I mentioned Previously, standardized tests are not compulsory for admission, although they will increase your chances if you don’t have such a wonderful high school result. The ACT score that will give you higher chances must be 30 and above. An SAT score of 1,420 will also place you in a favorite position of getting admission. A SAT score of around 1,330 is considered an average score but still, it will increase your chances significantly. 

Factors that may influence Holy Cross Acceptance Rate

1. Academics standing 

Candidates who have good academic standing will have more chances to gain admission into most colleges. Some Colleges have a minimum GPA requirement while some do not put too much emphasis on GPA. 

However, if you have a GPA of 4.0 or above, your chances of securing admission into the College of Holy Cross will be higher. Also, those who have a GPA of 3.82 should be confident of getting selected if they meet other requirements.

2. Standardized test scores 

SAT and ACT test scores are not compulsory requirements for acceptance into the College of Holy Cross. People with good academic standing may not need these tests. Although, if you are an average student then you surly need this test. 

An average SAT score of 1,330 to 1,420 will put you in a better position to get selected. In the same vein, your ACT score should be up to 30, though 28 is also considered a good score for Holy Cross applicants.

3. Personal statement and essay 

Essays and personal statements are ways you can clearly state your motivation, goal, and reasons for choosing the Institution. A good personal statement and essay can influence the choice of the institution on your application. But still, The College of Holy Cross does not put essays as a compulsory requirement.  

4. Diversity and inclusion 

People of color and everyone is welcomed into the school. There are slots to accommodate people from the minority race and ethnicity. So, If you are coming from a background that the College wishes to give special consideration then it may positively affect your application. 

Comparing Holy Cross’s Acceptance Rate to other Universities 

The table below will show you how Holy Cross stands with other famous universities on Acceptance Rates. 

College of Holy Cross  43%
Oberlin College  36%
Harvard University  4.6%
Stanford University  4.3%
Yale University  6.1%
Princeton University  6.1%
Brown University  7.7%
Cornell University  10.9%
Duke University  8.9%
Northwestern University  9.1%
University of Chicago  7.3%

Tips to improve your chances of admission at the College of Holy Cross 

College of Holy Cross is not an easy school that can just admit anyone. They have a higher Acceptance Rate when compared to some universities in the United States, but they still won’t accept every single application. So, If you want to have a higher chance of getting selected among thousands of candidates then you need these tips to make it happen:

  • Take the SAT and ACT standardized test

About 40% of applicants who chose Holy Cross took this test to increase their chances. So, you can take the test, score very well and for sure, you will have a higher chance of getting admission. 

  • Take Rigorous programs in high school

The College of Holy Cross evaluates your application using your high school performance. If you still have the chance, try and take up more challenging courses in your high school and pursue to come out with a good GPA. 

  • Engage in Extracurricular Activities

Holy Cross does not only consider your grades, they take into account your talent, community engagements, and other activities you perform in high school. Join art teams or any other group you have passion for. When it’s time for community service, make yourself ready for it. 


The College of Holy Cross Acceptance Rate stands for the percentage of students who get accepted into the College among many applicants. If you are applying for Holy Cross, then you must note that their Acceptance Rate is estimated to be around 36%. So, with good academic performance in your high school, there are chances you will get accepted. 

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