Endicott College Acceptance Rate 2024 & Requirements

Endicott College Acceptance Rate Changes depending on number of applicants and their respective academic performance. They select candidates based on many factors that I will discuss in detail later in this article. 

The Acceptance Rate for Endicott College is 77% of all applications sent. What this means is that the school will accept 7700 students if there are 10,000 applicants. Also, the Acceptance Rate for early applicants is 83.6%. 

Endicott College is selective when it comes to offering admission to prospective students. And doing selection, they look out for the best candidates, by which they consider the applicants, SAT and ACT test scores. 

The minimum SAT test score is between 1100 to 1250 and 22 to 27 for ACT. Although these are just average scores, having a higher score will be an advantage to the candidate. 

Factors that affect Endicott College Acceptance Rate

The institution does not just pick names of candidates randomly, there are certain factors that will prompt them to offer someone an admission. Below is a list of major factors they consider:

1. Standardized test scores 

50% of all the students Endicott College accepts have a SAT score between 1100 and 1250. While more than 15% of students they admit have scores above 1250. And in the same vein, their ACT scores average from 22 to 27.

The school is likely to admit those with higher standardized test scores. 

Comparison of Endicott College’s average SAT and ACT Requirements with other schools:

School Name  Average SAT  Average ACT 
Endicott College  1100 22
University of Cincinnati  1265 27
Temple University  1238 27
Seton Hall University  1231 26
Quinnipiac University  1175 26
College of Holy Cross  1330 28

2. Academic performance 

Endicott College considers a candidate’s higher school academic performance as a determinant to offer them admission. While some schools require candidates to have a 4.0 GPA, Endicott College can consider a prospect with just a 2.5 GPA. 

3. Personal statement and essay 

Whether you have a good GPA or not it’s always very good to have a strong personal statement and essay. It shows the school you know what your goals and motivations are. So, Endicott duly put this into consideration while making a selection. 

4. Letter of recommendation 

If as an aspirant you can get your teacher, lecturer, or coach to write you a recommendation letter then you have increased chances. Also, ensure the person to write this letter does a good job of outlining your potential. 

5. Extracurricular activities 

Other ventures you Engage in apart from the classroom activities are considered by Endicott College while reviewing your applications. 

Comparison of Endicott College Acceptance Rate to other Universities 

If you are very much concerned about the Acceptance Rate of the school you apply for, then check out the rates of other Universities. 

Universities  Acceptance Rate 
Endicott College  77%
Oberlin College  36.2%
Stanford University  4.3%
Yale University  6.1%
Princeton university  5.8%
Brown University  7.7%
Northwestern University  9.1%
Quinnipiac University  87.4%
Duke University  8.9%
University of Chicago  7.8%

Latest Tips to improve your chances of Admission at Endicott College

While preparing to submit your applications for the program of your choice at Endicott College, learn these helpful Tips and strategies. 

1. Take the standardized tests

Both the SAT and ACT tests are essential for any candidate who wishes to boost their chances of getting selected. Don’t only take the test but prepare to score very high. The average score of both of them may be 1100 and 22 respectively, but a higher score is an advantage. 

2. Take Rigorous programs to increase your grades 

Your GPA can influence Endicott College Acceptance decisions on your application. The school will always choose someone with a higher GPA over a smaller one if all things being equal. In order to achieve better grades as a transfer student, add more coursework to the usual ones. 

3. Write a convincing personal statement 

Put on your hat of creativity and impress whoever is reviewing your application by showcasing your talents in writing. Outline your goals, your achievements, your motivation, and personality. 

4. Get involved in Extracurricular projects 

While in high school, take up projects from the art club or science club. Join swimming or any other sports that will add credits to you. Also, if your school engages in community service, try and take part in it. 

5. Include a letter of recommendation 

Find a teacher or your sports coach to write a recommendation letter for you. Although any respected person can also write you a recommendation letter. 

Let the person outline your achievements, passion, and personality through this letter. It will add to the chances of you getting selected by Endicott College. 

6. Apply for early decision 

Endicott College’s Acceptance Rate for early decision is 83.6%, which is high. So, apply for an early decision as it will significantly increase your chances of getting selected. 


Endicott College Acceptance Rate is one of the midrange Acceptance Rates in the United States. Some students do say it’s high but many applicants still get rejected. So, take the tips I outlined in this article while sending your application. 

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