How hard is the LSAT? | Difficult level & Strategies to Pass

How hard is the LSAT? The test is hard as it tests your logical reasoning skills and analytical thinking skills. And as you know, The job of a legal practitioner is not an easy one, so pursuing a career in law is a very stressful endeavor. 

Some careers will wait for you to get admitted before testing your capacity with exams but law will first test you to know if you are qualified to become a student. This is very clear because GMAT and SAT do not have much weight in determining admission for a career that requires them, but that’s not the same with LSAT. In fact, many law schools will offer you a scholarship if you have a very high Law School Admission Test score. 

There are other requirements to meet before getting admitted into a law school in the United States or Canada but LSAT is like the most important one. So, If you are preparing for this test, you will surely be asking yourself how hard is the LSAT? How well should I study to pass? The answer to these questions will be revealed to you in this article. 

How hard is the LSAT? 

Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is very hard as it is designed by The Law School Admission Council to test if a student is capable of pursuing a career in law. The test is not only about how good a student is with subjects like mathematics and writing, it tests the student deeply to know their logic and analytical skills. These skills are not easy to cultivate; they are even harder in a legal setting. 

The Law School Admission Test is undoubtedly the stumbling block facing anyone that wishes to study law in a U.S or Canadian law school. Even though Some schools are attempting to stop making LSAT a compulsory requirement for admission, this may not take full effect now. One reason for that is because law schools are always ranked based on the minimum Law School Admission Test needed to get admitted into the school. 

Reasons why LSAT is hard 

The test is intentionally made to challenge students seeking admission to study law. However, there are ways the tests are made to be even harder for students. 

Here are major reasons the Law School Admission Test is hard:

1. LSAT questions are strange 

The question you will encounter in this test is not in any way going to relate to your College study experience. They will be very unfamiliar and expose students to entirely new ways of thinking. People who have written standardized tests like GMAT and SAT will agree with me that many questions are related to high school subjects. However, LSAT shows something different and equally expects a strange approach to answering each question. 

2. The LSAT Prep books LSAT are not straightforward 

The exam requires students to have more time to practice and read the test guidance before the test date. Learning one logic reasoning clue does not mean you have mastered all, you need to learn it in different angles to fully understand how to approach questions. 

3. Stress with test preparation 

Generally, exams are stressful to prepare for and it becomes even more challenging when you are planning to become a top scorer. LSAT wants students to read more than just the contents of the LSAT trainer, which is the most recommended book for Law School Admission Test preparation. The content of that book is not simple to comprehend for a student who just wants to pass a test. You need to reread the book multiple times before you can confidently face any LSAT question. 

How to Pass LSAT with good scores 

The preparation is one thing and another is performing very well in the actual testing. There are many things that will prevent you from scoring above 160 but there are many other things you can do to get a very high LSAT score. 

  • Prepare a study plan 

If this is the first time you are sitting for LSAT, begin preparing for the test two months before the test date. This way, you can cover all the preparation books, answer all the example questions and clearly understand Law School Admission Test grammars. Some will recommend studying for like 300 hours but think you should schedule more time for studies to avoid having a poor score. 

  • Take mock LSAT test 

Take mock tests the same way it should have been done in real life Law School Admission Tests. This will help you manage time very well and see how it is to sit for an actual test. 


How hard the LSAT is depends on how well you have prepared for the test. If you are a first-timer then you have to work harder by understanding formats they use in asking questions. Having it in mind that LSAT questions are not straightforward but geared towards tests in your analytical skills. 

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