Is Going Merry Scholarships Legit? | Real or a Scam? 

Is Going Merry scholarships Legit? The scholarship platform “Going Merry” is a popular place for high school students who are seeking financial support for their College. This platform has made a claim to providing support for the candidates to find good scholarships

Well, many other platforms also make this same promise, but do they deliver? Maybe some do deliver but some are still not clearly Legit in their ways of operation. This has made many students look for informative reviews like this one on how to know a legit and a fake scholarship platform. It is worthy to note that a platform can make different kinds of promises but will later fail to deliver on them. As disheartening as this can be, wise students can still avert such scenarios by following our reviews on must of these scholarship platforms and organizations. 

What you must know about Going Merry Scholarships

Going Merry Scholarships is a platform that helps students find scholarships available and help them apply for these scholarships. For students to use this platform, they need to provide their school transcript, essay, and other documents they will need when sending applications for a scholarship opportunity. The platform helps students in choosing the best scholarship based on how the students have performed academically and other factors like availability, grades, GPA, and program of choice. 

Note: going merry scholarship platform does not charge students for these services mentioned above

They are like the middlemen that connect students with scholarships available around the world. Working with over 15,000 high schools, they have access to the best candidates to fill up every scholarship opportunity that is available. 

Is Going Merry Scholarships Legit

Yes, Going Merry Scholarships is Legit and truly offers the best service to students who wish to apply for scholarships. They make their platform very transparent and allow students to make their own choice after offering their support. 

On their official website,, they clearly spelt out the way they offer to help students get the most suitable scholarship for any course of their choice. 

Some may still be asking if the scholarship from going merry is also Legit? Well, they select the best scholarship according to your overall performance, and other factors. The scholarships they match you with are always Legit with real operation bases in the United States and around the world. In fact, 15,000 high schools trust them in securing scholarships for students who will need them. Additionally, Going Merry Scholarships website has a complete requirements list of each scholarship available. This way, you can just apply for the scholarship without having to be redirected to the scholarship website. 

Why is the Going Merry Scholarships Legit? 

They passed all the tests used to verify a legit and a false scholarship platform. 

Here are some of other reasons we marked Going Merry Scholarships as a legit scholarship platform:

FAFSA® and state aid for University 

They make use of FAFSA® scholarship application guidelines that makes it easy for parents guidance, and students apply for government scholarships. Some of these scholarships offer full coverage to the students tuition fees and some take care of part of the tuition. 

They protect users data 

Some scholarship platforms are not interested in the security of their users. They just want to get more money, but Going Merry Scholarships uses a very strong secure system that protects students, parents and organization’s data. 

Free to use for both parents and students 

One major turn off for most scholarship platforms is that they charge large sums of money for these services. Even at that, they perform very poorly. However, Going Merry Scholarships is here with a free platform for both the students and parents. This will further show their education in helping students get the bet out of the platform. 

Communication channel 

Another thing that proved Going Merry Scholarships are not scam is because they have very transparent communication channels. This channel includes their official website ( and email address ( 

How to apply for scholarship using Going Merry 

Follow these steps to register on the website and apply for scholarships. 

#1. Sign up

Students have to first sign up using their working personal email address. Set up the password and verify your email using the link they will send to you. 

2. Complete your profile 

Fill out your details which should include your education level, GPA, and the program you wish to study. These are essential information for matching you with available scholarships. 

3. See scholarship matches 

After completing your details, you will be matched with available scholarships in accordance with the information you have provided. 

On your Going Merry Scholarships dashboard, you can apply for scholarships, apply for student loans, and search for the best college for your program of choice. 


Is Going Merry Scholarships Legit? The points in this article have proven that they are legit and will deliver on the services they promise. These services include helping students find good colleges, find scholarships, and choose the best student loans. And surprisingly, they deliver these promises without charging parents or students. 

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