Are you looking for an answer to kind of Badge or Scholarship crossword clue? Our puzzle system has analyzed the above words and has found a solution to it. Therefore, relax and go through this article as you’re in the right place.
Crossword puzzles can be a sure means of stimulating your brain, challenging yourself and also passing time, all at once. It helps you develop in terms of fast thoughts and creativity. There are some words you can learn by simply playing crossword games.
Now, it’s time to play “kind of Badge or Scholarships” word puzzle and you are looking for clues. Just scroll down and see the solution to it!
Playing puzzles and crossword games seem hard especially when you’re not used to the game.
Do not be afraid of it as we got you covered.
SEE ALSO: Apply for $7,000 No Essay Smart Owl Scholarship
Kind of Badge or scholarship Crossword clue Solution
The answer to the Kind of badge or scholarship crossword clue is MERIT (5 letters).
Definition of the Crossword Clue – Merit
According to Oxford Dictionary, merit means “the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward”
I hope this helps you find solution to your word puzzle.