Riccarton Rotary Youth Trust Scholarship Application 2023-24

Riccarton Rotary Youth Trust Scholarship was established in 2007 as the development of a significant gift to the Riccarton Rotary Youth Trust from a Riccarton townie and Rotarian, Mr. Brian Moore.

This scholarship helps academically able students at the Ara Institute of Canterbury, Lincoln University, or the University of Canterbury whose monetary or personal circumstances might have discouraged them from considering access to tertiary education in the lack of the scholarship.

About Riccarton Rotary Youth Trust Scholarship

Every year the Riccarton Rotary club presents a scholarship to help a student to attend either the University of Canterbury, Lincoln University, or the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology. The purpose of the Scholarship is to deliver financial aid to a student who is undergoing tough financial stress or personal circumstances which might otherwise stop the further tertiary study. The grant acknowledges that some young people of huge potential are discouraged from getting higher qualifications.

The Scholarship is governed by the Scholarships Office of the University of Canterbury with the applications needed to be applied by 15th August for the following year’s scholarship. The websites of the two Universities and CPIT will deliver application formats prior to the date.


Riccarton Rotary Youth Trust Scholarship Amount

The scholarship has a worth of $10,000 in any year that the benefactor must pay tuition fees and $5,000 in any year that a benefactor is not needed to pay tuition fees.

Eligibility, Requirements, and Criteria

Eligibility criteria

  • All applicants must be citizens of New Zealand or New Zealand residents.
  • All applicants must have been learning at the secondary level in New Zealand in the year of application
    (or, in the case of a gap year,2 in the year instantly prior).
  • All applicants must have lived in the Canterbury region1 for at least one year instantly
    foregoing the closing date for applications (or, in the case of a gap year, for at least the 12 months
    instantly preceding the start of the gap year).

How To Apply for Riccarton Rotary Youth Trust Scholarship

Instructions for application

Read the criteria beneath then complete the form, answer the question accurately and click the submit button.
Download the application form, Then scan and email it back or print and post the form to us at the address on the form.

Application Criteria

  • The application must be made by an approved organization or a reliable person.
  • The board meets on the third Tuesday of the month. Applications must reach us one week before the conference.
  • Applications accepted after the deadline date will be held until the next meeting.
  • You must supply copies of invoices/quotes where applicable.
  • Finished forms can be scanned and emailed, or printed and posted. Information is on the form.

Applications are done online at the Scholarships Website HERE

Deadline and opening dates

The Riccarton Rotary Youth Trust Scholarship Application deadline is on the 23rd of may 2023. 2024 deadline not yet announced. if you missed it, it will be open by this time next year.

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