Cobell Scholarships 2024 Application | Apply Now

Cobell is offering scholarships to all eligible students in the United states who fulfill the eligibility requirements as listed below. The Cobell scholarship seeks to reward both undergraduate and postgraduate students based on their academic achievements and financial needs.

What is Cobell Scholarship Program All About?

Cobell Sscholarship is a both a merit based and need-based program for US students.

As part of the Cobell v. Salazar settlement, the Cobell Scholarship was set established to meed to academic and financial needs of students. As mentioned above, it is competitive, based on merit and then unmet need, non-renewable, and available to any post-secondary (after high school) student who is an eligible citizen of US.


Cobell Scholarship Requirements 2024

  • Applicant must be an enrolled member of a US a Federal Recognized Tribe, enrolled in full-time study and pursuing degree.
  • Applicants must have planned to attend or be attending any nationally, regionally and industry accredited public, private or non-profit institution
  • Applicants must be pursuing a vocational certificate or diploma, associate’s, doctoral,  bachelors, masters or professional degree, or certificate.
  • While there is no minimum CGPA for this scholarship, below are considered by IEI as general guidelines to be
    considered “competitive” for funding purposes.

    • Graduate and Professional should have a CGPA of 3.5 or higher, either from undergraduate or previous coursework
    • Undergraduate and post-baccalaureate should earn 3.25 or higher, either from high school or previous coursework
    •  Vocational – 2.0 or higher, either from high school or previous coursework

NOTE:Applicants whose GPAs are lower than those listed should still apply, but they should be ready to explain why and show their strengths in other ways. In a holistic review process, all completed applications are looked at and scored by professional educators from outside the school who look at more than just the GPA. Applicants with GPAs that aren’t as good as others should be able to show overall success, achievements, and a plan for improving their grades, or the selection committee may not give them a high rank. Staff members look at each applicant for a vocational job and choose the best ones on a rolling basis.

Cobell scholarship opening date and Deadline 2024

2023-2024 Cobell Scholarship Academic Year opportunity

  • Opens January 10, 2024 
  • Closes March 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM MST
  • Reference due April 7, 2024

2024 Cobell Scholarship Summer opportunity

  • Opens on February 2024 
  • Closing date not yet announced 
  • No reference required.

Elouise Cobell Summer Research Fellowship opportunity

  • Opens September 1, 2022
  • Closes January 10, 2023 11:59 MST.

Cobell Scholarship Vocational opportunity

Open year-round until funds run out. No reference is required. (Visit the OASIS portal for specific information)

What is the Scholarship Amount / worth

The amount for Cobell scholarships is $25,000. Each Cobell scholar receives a $5,000 award.


How to Apply for Cobell Scholarship Program 2024

The application process looks a bit cumbersome. Therefore, follow the guideline below to avoid possible errors.

  1. Firstly, visit the OASIS Portal at (check below for application link)
  2. Next is to create a profile by submitting the required details on the page. The Profile can be edited/updated at any time. Ensure you keep contact information and institution information up-to-date.
  3. After the profile is completed, applicants must complete the Eligibility Form. With this the OASIS will
    match applicants to open scholarship opportunities based on the self-reported responses
    provided in the Eligibility Form. If there is no available application, review all responses entered
    on Eligibility Form, then contact to request changes to be made.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the blue tab: Scholarships & Applications.
  5. Select ‘View‘ in the Scholarships & Applications section to view all available
  6. If matched, the applicant will be directed to complete and submit the application
    for the available scholarship opportunities.
  7. After submission, the application will be reviewed and selected candidates communicated.
  8. If you are selected, an email offer to become a Finalist is generated beginning no earlier than May 1 each
  9. In the email, FINALISTS must ACCEPT the OFFER and will then be directed to complete a Post-Acceptance to
    begin the verification process; a link to complete this step will be available in an email sent, once
    the offer is ACCEPTED. On the other hand, if the FINALIST DECLINES the OFFER, there will be no further
    communication with regards to the scholarship program.
  10. When the entire FINALIST file is complete, FINALISTS will receive an official Award Notification to be deemed a Cobell Scholar.

NOTE: The opportunity application(s) responses entered in the OASIS portal can be edited until the posted closing date.

Also note that there is no offline application (paper application) as all applications must be completed and submitted online together with all the required documents.

Scholarship Application Portal

Click on the link below to begin the Cobell scholarships aplication


Selection Process

After all applications are submitted, they will be reviewed by the scholarship committee and all the selected students will be reached out to through emails starting from May 1, 2023.

Each of the selected candidate is a finalist. So, he/she will receive a finalist’s email.

Once he accepts and completes the second phase of the online form he will receive an official notification of award to become a Cobell Scholars.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I apply and meet all eligibility criteria, will I be guaranteed a scholarship?

Since there are limited number of scholarships, applying for the scholarship does not guarantee winning the award. For this reason, all applications are considered based on the applicant’s academic achievements first then, financial needs.

If you must win the Cobell scholarship award, you need to be a student with a high academic achievement and goal.

When should I apply for Cobell scholarship

Applications for scholarship via OASIS may be submitted at any time throughout the year, except
between Dec. 1 and Dec 14 when the program portal may be closed for maintenance. However, specific
scholarships have application opening dates and deadlines.

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